Helping travel agents create leads from their dream clients through digital marketing - text on blue background with image of Wendy
Stats on achievements from Red Grape Social

Attract your ideal client through online marketing - when you don't know what to post and have no time!

Hi, I'm Wendy! 

With over 17 years working in the travel industry, in Sales & Marketing roles, I'm passionate about helping Travel Agents grow massively successful businesses through holistic digital marketing strategies. I've visited 70 countries, I'm married to a Cruise Director and I've collectively spent over 2yrs on cruises! I geek out on SEO, IG trends and email open rates - learning the latest updates and practices so you don't have to! I'm a parent to a toy Labradoodle Malfi and although I currently live in Australia, I'm originally - and proudly - British!

Who I've worked with...

RGS Lander images (5)
Speech bubbles with testimonies from clients inside

Let's Connect!

Website made with love by Red Grape Social 2024